7 Common Job Interview Mistakes You Should Avoid For You To Get Hired

7 Common Job Interview Mistakes You Should Avoid For You To Get Hired

By Dorcas Karuana,
Many job seekers will always attend interviews and will never get hired or even hear from the employers. It’s important to know that employers always hire the candidate who presents him/herself as the best candidate rather than the most educated/ experienced person. The candidate who seem to understand the job, can deliver, is enthusiastic, passionate about the job and can fit in the firm will always get it. Therefore marketing skills are important for you to get hired faster.

1. Preparation – Prepare well and practice the answers to common interview questions. This will project you as a poised and confident person to the employer. Prepare all the materials needed for the interview as well as what you will dress in. Also researching about the company is very important. Do your homework on your potential employer, and you will be able to find some interesting points which may help you during your interview. Simple research on the company, can reveal the type of people they are looking for.

2. Time – Never be late for an interview. If you can’t be on time, be sure to call the employer and explain the reason. Aim to arrive ten minutes before the interview is actually scheduled to begin. You do not want to be seen as unreliable and disorganized or a bad time manager.

3. Dress appropriately – Understand and learn about the culture of the company. Don’t dress casually if the current employees are dressed formally. You must look appropriate to the type of company that you are interviewing with. You want the employer to focus on your skills and accomplishments more than your looks, so be conservative.

4. First Impression. The interview starts as soon as you enter in the reception. Be polite and disciplined to the receptionist as s/he will later give her boss the feedback of the candidates behaviour at the reception. You do not want to be remembered as that rude, disrespectuful and arrogant person.

5.  Interview – During the interview is the time to project yourself – it helps to be on your best behavior. So learn the right techniques – turn off your cell phone, do not eat or chew while being interviewed. Also, don’t share too much personal information during the interview and don’t ever speak badly of your past employers.

6. Communication – Job seekers usually fail to communicate and present themselves in line with professional expectations. Employers are usually dissatisfied with candidates who are unable to express themselves. They hire employees to solve problems, and if they find your communication skills lacking, then your chances of landing the job are slim to none.

7. Avoid Dishonesty – Never lie to get a position. You need to get the job based on your current skills, and any lies will be exposed eventually anyway. Avoid possible common mistakes and project your confidence and demonstrate your skills with grace. Don’t hesitate to show your enthusiasm.

Whatever contact address or phone number you give, make sure you have a voicemail service and be sure to give them a professional mail address.

There are lots of points to remember when you are trying to get a job. By keeping in mind these common mistakes (and their solutions), you will already have a head start.
