5 Reasons Why People Get STUCK in Life & How You Can Change That

5 Reasons Why People Get STUCK in Life & How You Can Change That

Do you look around and feel that everyone is busy moving on with life? Everyone seems to be making progress in their life whether it personal or career wise apart from you and now you wondering why you remain stagnated while the rest move at the speed of lightning?

I came across a very educative article by Mary Ann Bailey, MC, and a life coach who works with people who are feeling stuck or out of sync in their lives. She specializes in helping professional women who are struggling with midlife career changes.

In her article she highlights some habits that one needs to drop to get unstuck in life

1. Blaming others for our circumstances
How many times have you blamed the matatu driver for your lateness to work? Or even said that the interviewer was not from the so and so tribe that’s why he did not give you a job?

Ms Bailey advices that, people should stop blaming others for the wrongs going on in their lives. Instead they should take charge and change their situation.

“Realize that you are the only one who can truly take charge of the situation. What would it take for you to hit that ball? A good place to start is putting together a game plan that includes intention, determination and lots of practice.” She says in her article

2. Falling prey to the fear of the unknown

This is the major reason many people are stuck in situations they would have otherwise gotten out off ages ago. I have heard many people say that they are afraid of applying for a job because they feel that the pressures in the certain organization are too much for them to handle.

They let fear of the unknown consume them, hindering them from taking the step.

According to Ms. Bailey, “Fear is a powerful emotion. It protects us and keeps us from doing destructive things, yet it can also keep us from doing new and wonderful things.”

3. Living life in the middle
Most people do not want to leave their comfort zone, we have seen successful business gurus like Richard Branson and our own Chris Kirubi, they did not build their empires by remaining in their comfort zone. They dared to explore even when they were not sure of the outcome.

The author says that, “The middle is an extremely crowded place where it is very easy to feel stuck.”

She encourages taking small, yet consistent, steps toward the “edge,” where you will find that life has much more room in which to move around.

4. Taking life too seriously
I know this contradicts with what we have often been told on life’s success.

The author quotes the very popular saying “All work and no play make Jack/Jill a dull person.”

We need to incorporate fun and rest; it’s during such times that we come up with new and brilliant ideas that get us out of our sticky positions.

5. Finally, believing what the society ‘thinks’
How many times have you said to yourself that some top job positions in Kenya belong to some other people other than you? Do you know that you might have started believing in that thought and in return you are stuck in the same position while you would have made a move ages ago?

Ms Bailey warns about clinging to beliefs that no longer serve us.

Let’s work towards getting out of that stagnant position and realize the potential we have.

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