3 Ways To Make A Successful Job Or Career Change In Kenya

3 Ways To Make A Successful Job Or Career Change In Kenya

By Susan Gitonga

A couple of days ago, I spoke to a lady who was looking to change her Career.  She is professionally trained in Human Resource,  but after College, she ended up getting a job in Sales. For 10 years, she has been a Sales profession, but  this year she wants to work in HR.

Like this lady, some of you might be thinking about making a change in your career either because you are bored or you realize that your interests have changed.

Here’s how you can make a a Successful Career/Job Change

1. Identify your own Career Path

You might have ended up in a different career path because you needed the money, or because the job you got was the only one available at the time.

If this is you, it’s never too late to make a change in your career.

Find out what you are truly interested in and look for work around it. Is there a Company that does what you are interested in? Send an application to them. Plug into an environment that is on the same career journey as you. 

Like the lady mentioned above, getting a job in HR will definitely mean that you will start from an entry level position, regardless of how many years you have been working.

Even with that harsh reality, look at the long term benefits.
Work should be enjoyed, not tolerated.

2. Have a good plan

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Know where you are going… If a transition will mean that you quit your job, you need to know the next step from there.

Make applications to the places you would love to join before quitting your job. Also, do not resign from your job until you have a place to perch your nest.

Having a plan also means that you know the amount of time you want to spend working at a certain place.

Envison yourself 5 or 10 years from now, where would you like to be?

Once that plan is clear, make moves towards it!

Related Article >>> 6 Successful steps that will tremendously help in creating a winning career growth plan in 2017.

3. Be patient with yourself

Transitioning is going to take some strength, determination and courage, therefore be patient with yourself.

Push yourself beyond the limitations of society and the environment around you.

Have hope that making a transition in your career and life is the best for you. Also believe in the power of your dreams, however crazy they might look.

Go for it!

Read Also >>> Best practices To Achieve Career Growth

Susan is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email: susan@careerpoint Kenya.co.ke
