5 Habits That Will Improve Your Life Dramatically!

By Susan Gitonga

Our habits make us who we are and your character is determined by your attitude to life.

This being a new year , I am sure most of us have purposed to improve our lifes in one way or another. Could be by adopting a healthier diet or something simple as avoiding procrastination all together this year, whatever it might be it requires discipline and commitment.

In this article you will find 5 great tips that will help you keep up with your resolutions and ultimately improve your life.

What Habits Will Improve Your Life?

1.Staying  away from people who erode your quality of life.

Do you have that friend who is always negative? Or maybe they water down all the ideas you decide to share with them?

For instance, you might have got a great business idea to start a shoe store in Nairobi. When you share this idea with your friend, they tell you that rent in town is very expensive, the competition is very high and that you probably don’t even suit doing a business in the shoe industry.

Such comments demotivate you and you end up letting your idea go.

The year is still young and you can make a positive change. Surround yourself with people who are for you, and not against you.

2. Don’t sleep with your phone or tablet next to you.

We are all victims of sleeping next to our gadgets, but did you know that it’s a very unhealthy habit?
Research shows that people who get into their beds with their phones have a hard time trying to sleep. The blue light that is emitted from phone halts the production of the sleep inducing hormone known as melatonin.

If you want to fall asleep faster, keep your phone away for 30 minutes before bedtime.

Reading a book, on the other hand will cause you to fall asleep faster.

3. Be happy with where you are now

A lack of contentment is something many people suffer from. Money, fame, power and material things will not make you happy when you get them if you are not happy right now when you don’t have them.

Spend time with your family, send a thank you text to someone who has been of help in your life and look for things you are truly grateful for. It could be the gift of life, friends, good health etc.

Related >>> 10 Things You Need To Start Doing As This Week Ends To Be Happy and Successful.

4. Things are always the way you perceive them

That person you really envy might have so many things they are fighting behind the scenes. Just because you are not like your colleague should not make you feel less of a person.

If you wanted to buy a particular house, for example, and your money fell short, you might end up feeling hopeless and discouraged. On the surface, things might look like they are working against you, only to  find out later that the owners of the house you really desired are involved in corruption.

Things are not always as they appear. Yours is to take a back seat and allow life to unfold naturally. It will be less stressful  than trying to control everything.

5. Get started even though you might fail

That job you really want will not come on a silver platter. Give it a try by sending an application even though you fear that you might fail.

The people who start businesses that end up failing are better off than those you sat on their ideas and dreams and never really went after them.

What have you been wanting to do that you are not doing? Give it a try and see what happens. 

In conclusion, your habits make you. Develop good ones.

For any questions or queries Email: susan@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke. Susan is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya.
