Read All About S.K Macharia!! 7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Media Mogul

Read All About S.K Macharia!! 7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About The Media Mogul

By Susan Gitonga

S.K Macharia has hit the list of new makers recently after announcing that the Raila Odinga won the 2007 elections.

His public statement has left many people with a lot to say, as the August elections draw near.

The question begs, however, and we sought to answer who S.K Macharia is and how his life journey has brought him to this point in his life, where his opinion matters to a country…

Below are 7 great things to share with you about S.K Macharia that you probably didn’t know:

1. His first job was a P3 Teaching Job

S.K .Macharia once held a chalk in Gituru Primary School in Murang’a where he taught in the 1960’s.

He was untrained though. But he moved to Kahuhia Tecahers Training college and became a qualified teacher.

He was earning 8 Shillings at the time.


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2. It took him 2 months to travel to the US due to lack of finances.

When Macharia was working as a Teacher, he applied for a position at the J.F Kennedy, Tom Mboya students Airlift group of 1962.

He did not have the finances to purchase a plane ticket and he resorted to travel by road for around 2 months.

His first stop was at Libya, where he boarded a ship to England and from England he connected to the U.S.

It was in the US where he got his Bachelors in Political Science, BSc in Accounting and MSc. in Accounting/Finance.

3. He lost his mother  at a young age

S.K Macharia lost his mother at as a young boy and he together with his sisters and father moved to Tanzania, Arusha.

4. He once lived and ate from the streets

After living in Arusha with his family, Macharia became friends with Maasai herdsmen and would spend most of his time with them.

It so happened that the colonial government declared a state of emergency in Kenya that affected the Mau Mau people living in Tanzania.

While all of this was happening, S.K Macharia was out in the bushes with the Maasai men and once he returned home, he found that his home had been burnt and his family had fled.

He went back to the Maasai men and lived with them.

They roamed from place to place for around 2 years until they reached a place which he realized was Thika.

He remained in Thika and decided to go back to his Murang’a home to link up with his other family members.

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5. He is a friend of the Odinga Family

Sources say that S.K Macharia’s friendship with the Odinga’s goes back in time to Jaramogi’s time, Raily Odinga’s father.

S.K Macharia has been a strong supporter of Raila’s political journey, which is owed to their friendship.

6. His first business….

S.K Macharia is known to many as a Businessman and it’s important to note that his first business was a Tissue Paper Making Company called Madhupaper.

The Tissue Company is what you now see in the Supermarkets as ‘ROSY TISSUES.’

7. He is one of the Richest men in Kenya

S.K is valued at around $150 Million. He has very many successful businesses under his name.

He has investments in Agriculture, Real Estate, Transport, Banking and Telecommunication.

And there you have it, 7 things about News maker, S.K Macharia.

Compiled by Susan Gitonga, a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email:

