Top 5 Topics To Avoid During A Job Interview

“I have been applying for jobs and most of the time I get called in for an interview. However, I never make it past the interview stage. I always get regrets and most of the time I don’t hear from the interviewer.” reads an email from a job seeker.

You have probably read a lot of articles touching on the do’s and don’t in an interview. Most of these articles cover what to wear or what not to bring during an interview, but very few cover what not to say in an interview.

They say the tongue is a very small organ, but one that is capable of igniting world war 3.

According to Ms. Melody Mwendwa an interview and career guidance expert, what you say can either break or make your interview.

Is what you are saying during an interview ruining your chances of ever launching your career in the right direction?

I interviewed Ms. Mwendwa and she had quite some interesting things to say about what employers don’t want to hear in interviews.

Related: Irrelevant Details That Can Cost You The Job 

Topics Employers Don’t Want To Hear In An Interview

If you have been attending interviews and are yet to get a job, there is a need to review your interview skills or better still you can always see an interview coach to prepare you for the upcoming big interview.

That said, here are things that we probably go on and on about in an interview not realizing that they are a total turn off.

1. Why you hated your last job

You may have had a boss from, you know where, but an interview is not the right place to pour your heart out.

Most job seekers make this grave mistake and I will tell you for free that the employer will not be impressed and give you the job.

Instead, it’s a turn-off and you should avoid it like the plague.

The topic of how bad your job or your boss was, just like bedroom matters should be kept private.

2. Religious and political topics

Remember when you were told that honesty is the best policy. Yeah, that doesn’t work in the real world, especially in an interview.

Always avoid talking about religious and political issues or any other sensitive topics in an interview.

Yes, you are a staunch Christian who believes that all those who belong to other religions will go to hell, save such sentiments for your bible study on Wednesday.

Your prospective employer is interested in what you can do for the company not who you think will win the coming elections by a landslide.

3. Information about disability

Unless the prospective employer inquires about it, a person’s disability is not something you bring up in an interview.

This is because you will be creating room for discrimination and leaving the field open for the employer to hire someone else for fear of medical leaves and other special needs.

4. Plans that are not long term

When the employer shortlisted you for an interview, they were looking for someone who will stick to the company in the long term.

Many job seekers are always guilty of divulging too much information during the interview.

Be careful what you say. While the plans of finding a higher paying job sometimes later make sense, you don’t tell your prospective employer that.

It will only serve as grounds for rejection.

5. Divulging too much personal information

This is the most important of the topics employers don’t want to hear in an interview. Divulging too much of your personal information is equivalent to too much sharing.

Your employer is not interested in hearing about your relationship problems or any other topic that has nothing to do with the company or the position that you are interviewing for.

Finally, at some point, you may find yourself saying more that you are required to in an interview, Apologize and change the topic.

The only way you can avoid this interview mistake is by preparing well for the interview. You can also see an interview coach to help you prepare for an interview.

Related: 5 Tips On How To Prepare For An Interview 

The writer is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email:
