4 Things That Will Ruin Your Chances Of Getting A Job

Job search is never easy, making those endless calls, visiting offices, sending CVs and even attending events for networking opportunities. With all these and other avenues in mind, it’s there is still a lot to remember. The most important thing is to steer clear of mistakes that will cost you the chance of getting a job.

Ensure that you are not ruining your chances of getting a job by avoiding these missteps that can get you blacklisted from a job.

1. Applying for every position in a company

I know some of us are the culprits of this, applying for every job advertised by your dream company such as Safaricom, EABL or KPMG, and the likes. Applying for every job opening in a company isn’t going to get you that job. You cannot be a jack of all trades, you need to be a master of one or two trades.

“When applying for a position keep your submissions to no more than three closely related positions”, says Muthoni Ndegwa, Recruitment manager at Corporate Staffing Services. Muthoni says that multiple submissions will not win with the recruitment team or even the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) which can lead to blacklisting. Recruiters can blacklist you as you are always applying for jobs that you don’t really qualify for.

2. Acting desperate

Desperate and arrogant attitude will not get you anywhere. Despite how desperate job search has reduced you, don’t become arrogant. Strive to strike a balance that portrays confidence and humility always.

“I have seen people try to fake confidence and it backfires on them, don’t practice everything you read on the internet”, cautions Muthoni. Some key phrases to steer clear off that ooze with desperation include; ‘will do anything required’ ‘will work long hours’ or extreme confidence that backfires like ‘I don’t need this job so much, you would be lucky to get me’ don’t be too desperate to please the recruiting manager that you end up being arrogant. This will get you blacklisted in that very organization or its affiliations.

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