6 Things To Do When You Hate Your Job And Have Nothing Else Lined Up

6 Things To Do When You Hate Your Job And Have Nothing Else Lined Up

It’s no secret. You hate your job. Your stomach twists into knots when you think of waking up the next day to go to work. You hate everything in the office, from the tasteless coffee to the stupid jokes Michael is always telling.

You have been applying for jobs, but three months down the line, nobody will take you up. You don’t know what to do.

Quiting for you is not an option because, let’s face it, the bills are piling up and you wouldn’t last a week before you are kicked out of your one bedroom house.

What do you do? I was speaking to a friend of mine who like you hated their job, but found ways of turning things around.

Here is what I gathered from his insights on things you should do when you hate your jobs and have nothing lined up yet.

Related: 5 Ways To Cope With A Job You Hate

What To Do When You Hate Your Job

You have tried to change your attitude towards your colleagues or position, but it’s becoming difficult.

So all you have to do is learn to cope with the situation as you wait for a response from one of the numerous applications you made.

1.Assess your situation

I know it’s seems obvious, but this is one of the steps that is often overlooked.

Assessing the situation will help you make more informed decisions about how to turn things around.

Is it your position you hate, an aspect of it, your colleagues or your boss?

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own issues about how we hate our jobs but rarely do we stop to analyse the cause of these feelings.

2. Go in for the difficult talk

Once you have identified what is causing you to dislike your job, the next spent is to prep up for that tough conversation.

For instance, if it’s one aspect of your job that you hate, you need to sit down and have a rational discussion with your boss about what they can do to change the situation.

You may be surprised that the solution to your problem, was just there all along.

Related: 5 Best Tips Proven For Coping With Stress At Work 

3. Remain positive

I know it’s one of those cliché advices you get when you tell people you hate your job. I am really trying to stay away from it, but I believe that changing your perspective could do wonders.

Sometimes a little positivity is all we need and you may find yourself enjoying the tasteless coffee or the stupid joke.

Give it a try. Just close your eyes, close to ten and assure yourself that you can do this.

4. Don’t be scared to vent about it

Taking to social media to air your grievances about how much you hate your job is probably not the most advisable thing.

However, a little venting out won’t hurt you. Grab that friend at work and talk through their ears all afternoon about your complaints and grievances.

I know it doesn’t seem like anything, but you may feel yourself feeling way better after unloading all that.

5. Perform your level best

It’s natural that when you hate your job, you may feel the need to do less. However, this is not advisable. Remember this is still your career and you have come too far to ruin it at this stage.

Do your job to the best of your ability, just in case something else comes up and you need a good recommendation letter.

At one point, you may find yourself hating your jobs. It is not an excuse to do mediocre work. Sometimes a change of perspective may be all you need. If all that fails, talk to your boss or apply for another job elsewhere.

Related: 3 Simple Ways To Quit Your Job With Grace 

The writer is a Communications and Digital Marketing Officer at Career Point Kenya. Contact her via lilian@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke
