5 Things You Didn’t Know About Using LinkedIn for Jobs

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Using LinkedIn for Jobs

Have you tried looking for jobs on LinkedIn, only to end up frustrated? Tried messaging hiring managers for open positions and got a sorry in reply or didn’t hear back? Maybe you scrolled through the available jobs and all you could find were stale positions or others too senior you couldn’t apply?

If this is you, don’t assume you are alone. This kind of frustration happens to more people than you’d think, especially those not familiar with the little tricks that lead to numerous jobs. It is not surprising to find people who have been hired through LinkedIn or who have gotten several interviews through the platform. It happens. And it can happen to you too.

But in order for this to take place, you need to get familiar with how these people get hired through LinkedIn. Luckily for you, this post is here to help you discover exactly that.

What You Didn’t Know About Using LinkedIn For Jobs

1. Your Headline Plays a Very Important Role

If you are an administration professional and a recruiter was doing a search for Administrative Assistants on LinkedIn looking for a job, would they find you? The best way to answer this question is to do the search yourself.
Get a computer; open a new Google Search window and type in “Administrative Assistants LinkedIn Profiles in Kenya” and click on search. If you can’t find your profile among those listed, you might need to do a little editing in your headline. The same applies to all other professions.

Your headline should include the job titles you identify with. It does not have to be one. You have the luxury or including several, as long as they relate to your profession or what you would like to do.

2. It’s Okay to Let People Know You Are Job Searching

You may have heard negative opinions on how you shouldn’t say you are looking for a job on LinkedIn. This is not entirely true. You can let potential employers and recruiting managers know you are seeking a new position without being too obvious.

How do you go about it? For instance, a Business Development Professional who is currently employed but looking for new opportunities could write something like this: “Business Development Manager Seeking to Manage and Develop Business Solutions for Your Organization”.

With this information as part of your headline, hiring managers will see a reason to contact you and your boss will never know for certain if you are looking to move. They might guess it, but they can never be sure.

3. You Have a Better Chance if You Follow Companies You Want to Work for

It is not enough to have an updated LinkedIn profile. You also need to make an effort in following the organizations you would want to work for. Write down a list of companies you would want to work with, search for them on the platform and click on the follow button.

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