10 Misconceptions in Your 20s That Are Keeping You Frustrated

10 Misconceptions in Your 20s That Are Keeping You Frustrated

There are so many expectations people have of your right now in your 20s and for a moment there you have always felt that people expect too much from you than what you can actually accomplish.

Someone has told you or you have read somewhere that you are supposed to be earning this and this salary at this time something you know is impossible win your current situation.

However am here to tell you that your life if not on the wrong track. You are good and instead of beating yourself up over what you have not accomplished; think about what you have accomplished so far.

From my own experience, I have compiled a comprehensive list of misconceptions in our 20s that might be holding you back from realizing the beauty of life.

Misconceptions you should learn to ignore in your 20’s

1. You are supposed to earn a certain salary

This is one of the misconceptions that certain people have about the kind of salary you should be earning in your 20s.

This gets most people frustrated even when they are comfortable with their jobs. You find that twenty somethings are looking for jobs paying higher even when they don’t qualify. Worse still some are leaving very good jobs because the salary is not “what a 20 something should be earning.”

Shun this idea and get to enjoy your work. Soon you will get there through hard work and determination.

2. You are not supposed to have baggage

Looking at this in a critical way, your 20s are the time you make mistakes and learn from them. God knows that many of us are still recovering from mistakes we made in high schools and university.

So someone telling you that your life should be baggage free at this time will only add to the frustration you already have. Ignore them.

3. Your network of friends should be huge

A lot of twenty somethings feel awkward when they compare their circle of friends with others. You don’t have to have a thousand friends to be accomplished in life. In fact the less you have the better.

This is the reason so many people in their 20’s have turned to social media for that emotional gratification the don’t get from their small circle of friends.

Let’s face it, what are 5000 people on Facebook parading as your friends supposed to do for you in life?

Would you rather have 5000 people who have no idea what you are going through in life or 5 loyal friends who will stick to your through thick and thin?

4. You are supposed to be married

Watching your high school buddies move on with their life and raising families can be frustrating, making you feel that your life isn’t heading anywhere. It makes you feel like you have limited time to get a partner and start a family.

However most people in their 20s haven’t even figured out what kind of a person they want to spend their life with. So you not being engaged at this time may be a sign of wisdom.

5. You are supposed to be single

Again on the flip of the coin, just because you have a bunch of single friends telling you how life is awesome being single doesn’t mean you dump that guy or lady who has been with you ever since high school. If anything move on with your life.

You have found that one person who is crazy about you; hush those voices that are telling you it’s okay to be single just because you are still in your 20s.

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6. You are supposed to have it all figured out

We have this annoying habit in our society where as soon as you turn 20 you are officially considered an adult. You should be having lucrative career, a partner and even investing.

What many people fail to realize though is that transitioning from a teenager to an adult does not take a switch button.

It’s a gradual process that involves messing up a couple of times and making amends later. Live your life and let nobody telling you how you should have it all figured out by now.

7. You should have a particular degree

Most people are of the misconception that you need to get a certain degree in order to succeed in life. Some even claim that you can’t succeed with a degree or a diploma alone or that you need to be accepted into a certain college or university for you to make it.

20 something within an array of educational levels have succeeded in many industries. Believing you can’t succeed is like quitting before you even begun.

If you want to enjoy and succeed in life, shun away these misconception people have about us in our 20s. Live life one day at a time – enjoying every bit of it without listening to those voices telling you that you are not yet accomplished.

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