How I Got A Job in Kenya: 4 Steps I Used To Find & Land My “First Real” Job

How I Got A Job in Kenya: 4 Steps I Used To Find & Land My “First Real” Job

By Susan Gitonga

Are you still job hunting ? I know how frustrating it can get when you have applied to all the companies you can think of but still end up having no interview invitation.

I have been there too. After finishing campus, I honestly thought I would land a job immediately, having gone to the University of Nairobi, a University considered to be world class. But that did not happen.

In this light, I’d like to share with you how I managed to get more than 3 job offers around same time, and how I settled on my first real job.

4 Steps I Used To Land My First “Real Job”

1.I asked myself what I wanted

Initially, I did not know what I wanted to pursue, and that saw me applying for all types of jobs. In my work experience here at Career Point, I have seen very many candidates applying for jobs they are not even qualified for.

In fact, one person called in to ask for any job that was available.

That’s a very wrong habit among many job seekers. When looking for jobs, you need settle on one field you would like to pursue and run with it.

And that’s what I did. I had a road map of the type of work I wanted to do, and I only applied for roles in that career, and in this case Communication and Social Media.

Read Also >>> 7 Tips for Finding a Job in Kenya

2. Apply, Apply! – But also broaden your job search

Now that I knew what I wanted, I did not hesitate to apply to the many companies that were hiring. Another important thing I did was to ensure that I applied for the jobs I was qualified and even overqualified for.

These were jobs that were requiring a Diploma, but I had a Degree… The mistake I find with most job seekers is that they apply for jobs they are not qualified for because of the high salary offer. Don’t do it. Stick in your own lane and apply for a job you can handle. 

In terms of broadening my job search, I networked a lot and attended events where I talked to people and asked if there were opportunities in the companies they were working for.

This opened up opportunities for me to volunteer with them, which added some work experience to my CV.

3. Find someone you can lean on for support

Job hunting is a real struggle, and it can be very frustrating sometimes. With that, always ensure that you have a support system. This could include your family and friends.

I was very fortunate to have a family that understood the struggle, and exercised the necessary patience that was required, even though I was not getting a job.

Their support gave me a new wave of strength to continue looking for a job and not to give up. 

-And prayers too. Praying gave me hope that God had great plans for me, and I believed it.

That should be you too.

Related Article >>> How Do I Find A Job If I Am Rejected Every Interview

4. Job hunting is a waiting game

I had applied to around 5 places and got one job offer. After interviewing for this role, I realized that I was not happy with the scope of the work…

I felt as though my morals would have to be compromised, if I agreed to take the job offer. That said I declined the offer even though I did not have another offer to fall back on.

Later on, one of the other companies that I had applied to offered me a job that I was very comfortable with, and the pay was even better.

With this, I had exercised patience and wisdom.

That said, be ready to wait for the very best until it arrives. Don’t compromise and never ever give up until you find the right job for you.

And that, my friends, is how I landed my first real job in Kenya…

Have a question or a comment? Leave it below. Susan is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email:
