6 Habits That Will Make You Happy No Matter How Hard Life is

6 Habits That Will Make You Happy No Matter How Hard Life is

Ever wondered why there are people who no matter how hard the Kenya economy is, they always seem happy. It’s not because the economy does not affect them, it’s just that they have realized that happiness lies in their ability to practice habits and rituals that make them happy on a daily basis.

Have a look at the 6 Things positive people do daily that makes them happy

1.Listen to lively music

Do you have a certain type of music that you wake up humming to and you cannot get it out of your head no matter how much you want to? Probably that’s the kind that motivates you, and listening to such music uplifts your mood making you happy.

Shun music that seems to always complain on the wrong things in the world, the Kenyan music industry has a variety to choose from the likes of Eric Wainaina.

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2. Listen or watch motivational / Success stories

Leaving for work in our Kenyan roads is very hectic especially with the jam, to avoid the stress getting to you, make a habit of listening to motivational tapes; they are a good way for distraction.

Such tapes could be of successful people like Chris Kirubi, Richard Branson or any other successful person talking of how they made it.

3. Psyche yourself up with your own words

It’s not always easy to have the best days , a good example is when you wake up on a Monday morning and realize that KPLC has decide to do power rationing and you have to go to work in creased clothes and probably take a cold shower.

Give yourself words of motivation and tell yourself you are going to have the best day ever.

4. Keep positive books in handy

You will be amazed at how motivational books or biographies such as Gifted hands, Think Big among others elevate your happiness.

Read positive books all the time. Whether its personal success books, a novel about adventure, or some other book that makes you laugh, smile, and feel warm inside.

5. Don’t put yourself down

You know those moments when you look at your role model, probably Julie Gichuru or Bob Collymore and think, well I would like to be more like her/him but I cannot because they are more good looking and I am not.

Try to avoid thinking toxic thoughts that make you feel down, or negative about yourself. And especially don’t say anything negative out loud. Try to replace them with positive thoughts and words that will keep you from feeling down.

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6. Be generous

I know you wondering how giving out, rather than receiving, make you a happy person.

Positive people tend to be very generous. They are generous with their time, their words, and if they have it, their money.

You can give your time to others as a way of being generous or simply take a moment to do something that shows a person you care about them.

Praise often, like if your colleague at work has a smart dress, let them know, the smile and the confidence you put in them will surely make you happy too.

Make sure you try these things and in a month’s time who knows, you might be the happiest person ever.
