4 Ideas on How To Make Money in Kenya Using Your Smartphone

4 Ideas on How To Make Money in Kenya Using Your Smartphone

By Susan Gitonga

Most of you own smart phones. And did you know that you can actually earn a very good living using your phone?

In the recent past, I have read about young Kenyans who are making lots of money through social media and other online platforms.

For most of you, traditional jobs seem like the ideal kind of jobs and I am well aware that many of you are excited by the idea of working for the Government for instance. But allow me to burst your bubble by telling you that digital jobs are the new hot jobs in town. All conversations are happening online and it is safe to say that Digital is here to stay and is the way the world is moving.

That said you should consider getting into the digital job market where many opportunities are.

Previously, I have received questions from readers asking how they can make money online. In this article, I will share with you 4 of the most top ideas that can help you earn some money and even earn a living from.

5 Ways You can make Money Using Your Smartphone

1.Grow your social media followers and friends

You probably know of people on Facebook who have 5,000 friends. With such numbers, you can work with companies to advertise their products on your Facebook page.

So, if you have 500 friends today, you can focus and work on getting more friends and followers on your Social Media pages and be an active user.

These numbers can be very beneficial for you and a company when it comes to promoting products and services.

On Instagram for example, @xtiandela is one of the top paid social media users because of his many followers. On Instagram, he has 273K followers and companies approach him for advertisement opportunities.

2. Start an online business

Many companies today have websites, and they have also moved their trade online. Think of Daily Nation for instance. Today, you can easily access the daily nation on their online web page.

The same goes for your business. If you have a shoe business, for example, why not create a Facebook page to market your products and earn some good cash from it?

The beauty with having an online shop is that you do not have to set up a physical shop. Online stores such as Backyard shoes are making millions of money from their shoe business.

Which business are you thinking of starting?  Take advantage of your Smartphone and market your products online.

Read Also >>> How I Built A Side Hustle Into A Successful  Full Time Job

3. Start a Blog

We are living in the world of blogging and Websites. When it comes to blogging, all you need is a Topic to be writing about such as relationships, health, religion etc. The next step is to choose your Blogging Platform.

There are very many blogging platforms you can use, but the most common are WordPress and Blogger. These platforms are easy to use and simple to start.

Choose a Domain Name.

Platforms like Blogger and WordPress give you the option of choosing your own domain name, and you will need to part with at least Ksh. 1000. This amount varies depending on the platform you chose.

Blogging in Kenya is being appreciated today, and with an audience of people who visit your blog, you are set to earn money from it.

With a Smartphone, you can write and publish articles using the WordPress app which comes free with Google Playstore.

Google Ad sense is the platform that allows bloggers to earn from their blogs, with good traffic to your site; you can install Google analytics, which calculates how much revenue your website/blog has made in a month.

Read More On How To Start A Blog Here

4. Look for a social media job

On the Career Point Website, you will find a variety of Social Media jobs which do not require a lot of previous work experience, except knowledge of social media marketing and brand management Both skills you can learn on your own by reading articles online or enrolling in an online marketing certificate course.

Those are some of the ways you can earn from your Smartphone today. Opportunities are many, seize them.

Got a comment? Leave it below. Susan is a Communications & Digital Marketing Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email: susan@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke
