4 Reasons Why You Should Stick With A Career You Don’t Love

4 Reasons Why You Should Stick With A Career You Don’t Love

By Susan Gitonga

You’ve heard it said many times, “follow your dreams,” but what happens when you don’t even know what your dreams are?

I have met and heard of so many people who 10 years later are still looking for their passion. The prime time to find your passion is often in your twenties, as you have the time to experiment with various job opportunities and find one that you are ‘passionate about.’

Working in a job you don’t love can seem like a burden and very frustrating, but you ought to be patient and committed to the job you already have as if you were working your dream job.

In this article, I will share with you 5 reasons why it’s okay to stick with a career that doesn’t really excite you, as you figure out what it is you would rather be doing for the rest of your life.

Reasons To Stick With A Career You Don’t Love


Of course, this is the first reason why you can decide to settle for a job. We all need money to survive and provide our basic needs.

Getting a job that might not be your dream job will help you pay the bills and provide for you and your family.

This money can also be a means for you to save up for the business or passion you are looking to pursue in the future.

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2. Flexibility

Getting an 8-5 job might not provide so much freedom, but for some people, it is more ideal than being self employed for example. Entrepreneurs will tell you that being self employed is very demanding and the hours they put into the business in a day are way more than your average 8-5.

Getting a job that you do not love might not be so exciting but it can offer you a level of flexibility.

3. Future Investment

As I mentioned earlier, a good salary can offer you an opportunity to save and invest in the future. If you become patient, you can save tons of money that can be very useful in the coming days.

Working in a job you don’t love can offer you skills that you might not get anywhere else. I for one interned at the Kenya Power and lighting company in the Banking hall, and I gained so many skills there and learnt a lot about banking and customer service skills.

That said, you need to think outside the box and look at the bigger picture. The skills you acquire at the job you don’t love can be very useful and become a future investment.

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4. You don’t know what your passion is

Instead of wasting time ‘looking’ for what you are passionate about, you can take up a job that is not very ideal and earn a living from it.

Even though the job does not make you happy, you can use that time to figure out your passion and life plan. You might be surprised to find that you are just right where you should be.

Got questions or comments? Leave them below. Susan is a Communications officer at Career Point Kenya. Email: susan@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke
