What To Do When You Already Hate Your New Job

After job searching for a while, you finally got that call from a recruiter asking you to attend an interview at their offices.

Excited, you ensure you are well prepared and impress the interviewers so much that they hire you.

However, a few days or weeks into your new job, you are cursing from the time you wake up to the time you sleep. Your boss, your co-workers, the work environment, the office location and the nature of your roles are starting to irritate you.

In actuality, you hate your new job so much you want to quit.

If this sounds like you or something close to what you are going through, don’t make a rush decision. Take your time to evaluate your options and make an informed choice.

Here are 5 things you can do.

Find Out >>> 4 Odd Professions That Will Make You Hate Your Job

What to Do When You Hate Your New Job

1. Identify what it is you don’t like about the job

When you find that you hate your job, it is easy to assume that every aspect of the job is wrong. But in most cases, this is not always true. Take some time off your day to do an evaluation on your new job.

Write down the things you love and those you don’t.

Things you like could be as simple as chatting with the security guard or cleaners as you head to your desk. It could also be select roles in your daily tasks or the natural light you get to enjoy. Write it all down and do the same with the things you don’t like.

This list will help you towards making the right decision.

2. Understand that you cannot achieve perfection

I doubt there is a job in this world that is considered perfect. While there are those that are close to perfection, everyone has that one or two things they hate in their daily jobs. You need to understand this simple fact and evaluate what you can stomach and what you can’t.

Using the list you made in step 1 above, decide if the issues you are currently facing are temporary or permanent. For instance, you don’t have to like your boss or co-workers to excel at your job. So if this is your biggest problem, see how you can live with that.

On the other hand, if the roles you have been tasked with are your biggest concern or you don’t support what your employer stands for, this could have a negative impact on your career and happiness. You may have to decide to find a new job.

3. If you decide to stay, address your concerns early enough

If you went through the first two steps as directed, you should have made a decision by now. By factoring in the problems you can deal with and those you can’t, and understanding that jobs aren’t perfect, you should have decided whether to stay or leave.

If you chose to stay, then you need to make a point of addressing the issues you have.

Schedule a meeting with your manager or boss and lay out your concerns on the table. Explain how you think the issues can be dealt with and how you wish to progress going forth.

A good boss or manager will understand where you are coming from and stretch his or her efforts to accommodate you.

4. Seek the advice of a career coach

Being in a job that doesn’t suit you, for any reason, can be draining. In such a situation it’s important to maintain positivity, perform well, and continue to invest in your future successes.

Having a dreadful job is miserable, but having a dreadful mind-set is worse.

Seeking the advice of a career coach can help you put things into perspective from an objective point of view. A career coach can help you realize that some of the problems you are facing are not unique to you and the ways you can better handle them.

With their extensive experience, a career coach can help you come up with working solutions to your current issues.

5. If you decide you can’t stay, quit right

Most people today decide to just up and leave when they find that they don’t like their new jobs. You find a new employee not coming to work one morning or leaving on Friday and not coming back on Monday.

They don’t mention it to their boss or even write a resignation letter. Do not become a victim of this.

Whether it has only been 2 days or a month, if you decide you can’t stay in a new job that you hate, you must quit right.

Write a resignation letter, giving the notice provided for in your employment contract. As a new employee you’re probably still on probation, which means you have to give at least 7 days of notice to allow your employer find a new hire.

Also, you have the option of looking for a new job while still employed. Instead of being quick to quit, consider actively finding a new job while still employed.

6. Be careful when applying for your next job

Now that you have seen what a wrong job looks like, you must be careful when looking for your next one. Don’t be quick to say yes to a job because it is available and you are qualified for it.

Research on the employer beforehand, do a background on the particular position you are applying for and also understand the company culture. You don’t want to get hired only to regret it after day 1.

For your next job, make a point of having a job search plan. A plan that only includes the positions you want and the type of companies you want to work for. Then make sure that you follow your plan without any deviation. By doing so, you will ensure that you only apply for those jobs you really want.

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Are you in a job that you don’t like much? Our Career Coach can help. Email Lucy@corporatestaffing.co.ke
