7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence

Most people are shy when it comes to social situations. However, it is the people who convey confidence that are remembered when it comes to promotions and opportunities. Being shy is not bad but it can be a hindrance in some instances.

Here is a list of things you can do to boost your confidence

1. Public Speaking

Most people have a great fear of speaking in public or to strangers in general. Overcoming this fear will make you more confident and help you get over your shyness. Being able to overcome the fear of public speaking is a great way to boost your confidence because once you can do that then speaking in an interview with 3 people isn’t going to be as hard.

2. Learn a new language

This is a great way to improve your confidence. The act of learning a completely new language is fulfilling not to mention you get the added benefit of being able to speak in a language that others cant. This goes a long way in building ones confidence.

An added benefit is by learning a new language you can create opportunities for growth in your profession and it also makes your CV look good.

3. Build your network

Having a strong network will go a long way in helping you feel confident. Strive to make networks in your industry and learn as much as you can from them. Creating networks requires talking to people, the more you do it the more confident you become, this helps in ensuring that you are not shy during an interview or any other major career event.

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4. Volunteer

Confidence comes from feeling good about yourself and your abilities. It is proven that the best way to feel good about you is by helping others. Therefore it makes sense that you volunteer whenever you have free time.

Visit a children’s home, the homeless join an organization that helps the less fortunate in society like YMCA. This will increase your feelings of self worth which then helps boost your confidence.

5. Travel Somewhere new

By visiting new places you get to learn and explore the world you live in. This will make you more self aware which helps with building your confidence. Take time during the week and visit a new town or even estate.

You don’t have to travel to a foreign country to achieve this, just a short trip to a different part of the town you live in will be enough.

6. Read more

Reading is a great way to gain knowledge and as they say knowledge is power. People are more confident and self assured when they are talking about something they have knowledge in but are unsure when it is something they do not know about.

Therefore it is important to take some time and read on various topics most especially on things concerning the industry you work in.

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7. Invest in your appearance

Lastly but definitely not least having a healthy body leads to having a healthy mind which translates to making you feel good about you. We all generally feel more confident when we are dressed well and look good.

It is therefore very important to ensure you look good in order to feel good. Exercise, eat well and dress well too. This will definitely help you boost your confidence.

You are more likely to be taken seriously if you portray confidence in what you say and do that if you are timid, shy and unsure of yourself. It is therefore, very important to work on building your confidence.

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By Michelle Wanjiku
