6 Best Reasons Why Following Your Career Passion Is Better Than Money

6 Best Reasons Why Following Your Career Passion Is Better Than Money

By Lilian Wamaitha

Have you reached a point where you feel unfulfilled in your career and are no longer happy with your job?

Most of us today are doing what we do today, not because it is your passion but because you were enticed by the money.

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In this article, I am going to highlight why chasing after your dreams is worth so much more than all the money in the world.

1. Working for money is only a motivation to stay in the wrong career

So Monday through Friday, you go to the office, toil away from 9-5 and stressing all day about all the work. If you ask me, this is not really the way to enjoy your life.

Giving all those hours to a job you don’t love is something that will make you miserable all your life.

Ask anyone who is stuck in the wrong career and they will tell you that if given a chance, they would do things differently.

The truth is, you have only one life to live, so don’t waste a day of it doing something that you will loathe all your life.

2. You are passionate about what you do

When you chase your dream, you go to work every day enjoying every bit of what you do. You are more happy, energized and positive about your career.

When you are not forced to work for money, you really enjoy what you do and you never consider it as work but a passion.

3. You can relate more to your job and contribute immensely

Being forced to go to work every day is one of the most draining things you will ever experience in life.

While no job is perfect and there will be moments when you feel as if you are drowning, you have to understand that everyday cannot be all roses.

There will be highs and lows, but when you are passionate about what you do, you tend to overlook all that. This way you are in a better position to generate useful ideas.

4. You never feel like work is being forced on you

When you end up valuing money over your happiness, you will end up in an endless cycle of unhappiness and misery.

Work becomes nothing but one big nuisance and you just can’t wait to get done for the day.

With such a mindset, you will always find yourself hating your job each and every day. It is a common belief among so many Kenyans that to live a good life, they must work hard every day and make money even when the job is depressing.

When you love what you do, work will never feel forced and you will never feel like you are just there to make money and retire well.

5. Money will never equal your happiness

No matter how much money you end up making at that job, it will never make up for the fact that you are miserable and do not enjoy doing your job.

Nothing makes up for reckless working hours with a good pay cheque at the end of the day.

6. When you chase your dreams, you are willing to go above your duties

There are certain obligations at the work place that require you to go above your call of duty. When you hate your job, you can never enjoy sacrificing your time for such a task.

On the other hand, it will be much easier for you to put in that extra hour or hours when you love your job.

Loving what you do is the only way to break the endless cycle of mystery that most Kenyan professionals find themselves in after being stuck in a dead end job almost all their lives. So, before you accept that job offer, make sure that it is something you would enjoy doing and building a career from.

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