5 Odd Jobs That Can Help You Put Food On The Table

With the current unemployment rate, most people are looking to do odd jobs in order to survive. In this article, see some of the odd jobs that are helping Kenyans put food on the table.

Here are some of the odd jobs you can do

1. Matatu fillers

This might sound weird but if you have ever entered a bus or matatu thinking it is about to be full only to see four people get off then you know what i am talking about.

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Matatu fillers are paid to make it seem that the matatus is almost full. This is a way of enticing customers who don’t want to sit in an empty matatu waiting for it to be full.

In terms of how much they make, some can make up to 500 shillings a day depending on their location among other things. Just like people going to their offices, they work from early morning till evening.

2. House Sitters

This is probably an odd thing for some people but with the rise in crime and knowing how most thieves target unoccupied homes, it is no wonder that home owners are opting to pay someone to stay in their house when they are away on holiday or something.

The person is just supposed to show that the house is occupied in order to keep thieves that target unoccupied homes away as well as to take care of the pets if there are any.

There are bureaus that hire out temporary house sitters nowadays so you just need to do your research.

3. Food and fruit hawking

I am sure you have come across someone carrying a bucket filled with ‘mandazis’ or other food items or even someone selling fruits on a wheelbarrow.

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This is also a viable job and most hawkers earn enough to feed themselves from this. However, it is important that you keep it

Therefore, instead of just sitting at home and complaining about the unemployment rate, you could try and sale fruits and food items in your area.

If you love cooking, baking and are good at it, this can turn into a business that will provide for you and your family.

4. Nail polishing

The beauty industry is one that rarely experiences low seasons this is because women always want to look good and nail polish is part of the package.

Nowadays there are corners or streets where you find people who apply nail polish going about their business much like shoe shiners.

So if you have the talent and don’t mind the work you can try your hand at this. It will help your earn some income.

5. Advertisers

You see people everyday marketing certain brands or products in town. They are usually dressed in the company colours handing out fliers.

This is a good way to earn money and it does not require any experience all you need is to be very active and outgoing.

On average they can earn close to 1000 shillings depending on the organization. Even if you have a job and would like to supplement your salary, this is a good way to go.

Yes jobs are difficult to come by nowadays but that is no excuse to just sit at home and do nothing. There are so many opportunities out there to make money. You do not have to work in an office to make a living. No matter how little odd jobs pay, they still provide food for you.

By Michelle Wanjiku

Michelle Wanjiku is a Communication Officer/ Digital Marketer at Career Point Kenya.