Why You Need a New Job and You Might Not Even Know it

So you have been at your workplace and the only benefit you are acquiring is work experience ,waking up to work feels like a bad hangover, then it’s a sign that you need to seek for an alternative job, however you might not even know it but there are sure indicators  that you are shutting down .

1.  You find yourself frequently thinking about retirement. You are the kind that always things about retirement and not about saving for you retirement (NSSF) , I am talking about just thinking about a lazy day that does not involve work, you even count the number of years remaining to your retirements and you do not even have a family of your own, this is a clear sign for a job change.

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2. Your sleep patterns have been disrupted. You have difficulty getting to sleep, or you wake up during the night with worries about your job. You are even experiencing workplace nightmares, sounds like sleeping at your workplace right? ,Sleep is very important to your health, and job-induced stress can be a cause of poor sleep.

3. You are bored and less productive at work.If you’re checking Whatsapp every ten minutes, playing around with Facebook, constantly find yourself on YouTube, or are bored with every task, you might need to look for a more mentally stimulating job.

4. Your conversations with people become dominated by complaints and laments about your work day. If every conversation starts and ends with a negative commentary about your day at work, even taking the rant to your social media to get sympathy; it might be time to find a job that will develop productive discussion about your professional challenges, lessons learned, and the day’s highlights.

5. You have increased your consumption of alcohol or drugs to escape your problems. While it’s okay to relax with a glass of whisky after work, your day shouldn’t be driving you to down a bottle or pour glass after glass of bitter herbs. If you find that your work is causing your unhealthy consumption of alcohol and other substances you should take some time to reflect on your professional situation.

6. Your appetite is suppressed, or you are eating more than usual. similar to alcoholism others  result to binge eating, but stress can also cause you to lose your appetite overall. If you’re eating or drinking too much because of stress at work, it’s a sign that this may not be the job for you.

7.You are arguing more often with co-workers or bosses and don’t feel you have control over your work.If your dissatisfaction with your job is causing tension in the office, it’s definitely time to start looking for a new position. It’s better to leave a job on good terms so you can keep your past employer as a source for recommendations and as a network connection. It’s also important to avoid being fired if you can help it.

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You spend most of your life time at the workplace and therefor it should be a place that motivates you and puts your spirit high, but if you are stressed about work and experiencing some of these symptoms then you certainly need to reevaluate your employment situation.

If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Marc Anthony
Victor Wachira is a content writer  at Career Point Kenya. Contact him via victor@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke. Click here to like us on Facebook

