5 Reasons You Should Always Ask for Feedback After Getting Rejected

5 Reasons You Should Always Ask for Feedback After Getting Rejected

By Michelle Wanjiku

You went for an interview for a job you know you are qualified and are waiting for feedback. When it comes it is sadly a regret letter. Most people will leave it at that without trying to find out why they were not chosen.

You can use this time to find out why you didn’t make it and what you need to improve in order to better your chances next time. This can be done by sending an email to the recruiter asking why you were not picked.

Here is a sample email you can use.

Hello Juliet,

Thank you for the update. I enjoyed meeting with you and I appreciate the opportunity.

If possible, I’d love some feedback about my interview skills and overall qualifications. I’m always looking for ways I can improve, and I would really value your insight.

Thanks again for your time.


[Michelle Wanjiku]

5 Reasons You Should Always Ask for Feedback After Getting Rejected

1. You Get Insight On How To Improve Your Job Search

This is one of the most obvious reasons why you need to ask from feedback from the people who didn’t want to hire you.

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You do not want to go through rejection again because of something you could have prevented therefore, always ensure you ask the recruiter why you failed and what you could do to improve.

This will ensure that the next opportunity you get you avoid the mistakes and better your chances of getting the job.

2. You Might Learn Something New About Yourself

It is said that we are usually blind to our own shortcomings and as such we need to ask for feedback in order to know.

Take for example, you might have a bad habit of cutting people short during conversations yet you have no idea of this. This can be off-putting to the hiring manager because they feel like you are not a very good communicator.

However, if you ask for feedback and this is pointed out to you, then you can work towards changing it and thus improving your chances of getting the next job you interview for.

3. You’ll Prove That You’re Willing to Learn and Grow

I am sure you have come across many job descriptions with the statement ‘willingness to learn.’ So, by asking for constructive criticism you show the recruiter that even though you did not get the job you are willing to learn and change what cost you the opportunity.

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This will leave the recruiter with a good view of you that will then lead to the next point.

4. You Open the Door for Future Opportunities

Take for example, that an open position you are qualified for comes up in the same organisation you had interviewed for, who do you think will be remembered by the recruiter more? It won’t be the one who didn’t even send a thank you email.

The person who will be remembered was the one who said thank you and asked for feedback and they will most likely have an upper hand.

5. You Can Move on Knowing That You Gave it Your All

There are some companies that do not offer feedback because of their policy which means you will not hear from them. However, you should always ask even if you don’t get feedback all the time.

However, when you ask for feedback you can move on from the rejection and work toward improving yourself for the next opportunity.

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Being rejected does not feel good; however you can look at it as a learning opportunity and grow from it which will improve your chances of passing the next job interview you come across.
