3 Simple Ways To Quit Your Job Without Burning Bridges

3 Simple Ways To Quit Your Job Without Burning Bridges

At one point in our lives, we will be forced to leave our jobs.

Whatever the reason is, you don’t have to burn bridges just because you are looking or have found something better.

How do you go about quitting your job in a professional way?

Don’t just up and leave without telling anyone or refuse to show up at work one day. Let’s face it, most of us if not all have ended up burning bridges since we could not bring ourselves to quitting our jobs with an ounce of dignity.

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Think about it, what if the grass doesn’t turn out to be greener on the other side as you had expected?

You can’t go back to your former job and so this sends you a hundred steps behind. You have to go back to the drawing board and look for another job.

Imagine how easy it would be to go back to your former employer if you had quit your job with grace. Your former employer might even consider you for another position in the firm if yours has already been filled.

Here Is How You Quit Your Job With Grace

Whatever your reasons for leaving your job are, ensure that you leave it with grace, honor, and class. Just like you were humble when you attended that interview that gave you that job, don’t just leave without any regard for your employer.

Here is how I advise people to quit with grace.

1. The setup

As I had mentioned, don’t just up and leave one afternoon just because your supervisor pissed you off.

If you are planning on quitting your job, preparation is key. Set a date for your last day at work. As a courtesy call, this should give the employer time to find a new replacement. You might also volunteer to train your replacement.

After you have set a date, draft your resignation letter.

In this, you don’t have to go into details about why you want to quit your job. Most companies expect you to give a two weeks’ notice so be sure to abide by this.

2. Talk to your boss

After setting a date and drafting the perfect resignation letter, the hardest part is having that conversation with your boss.

Set up a meeting with your employer and inform them of your decision to quit. You should not feel guilty about it if you have valid reasons to quit.

Remember that no matter how qualified or irreplaceable you feel, your boss will soon find a person to replace you.

You do not have to go into detail about why you want to leave the company. Just explain to your boss that it has been an honor working at the company but now it’s time for you to spread your wings and explore other opportunities outside.

3. Finish on a high note

Just because you will no longer be working there in the next few weeks doesn’t mean that you abandon your work. Remember you are still an employee until that last day.

Distribute your unfinished projects to your colleagues and finish up what you can.

Then after your resignation has already been announced to everybody, on the last day, draft a short email to everyone in the office.

Explain how it has been the best experience working with them and wish them the best in all their endeavors. Give them a number or email, where they can reach you easily and then walk away majestically having done everything to perfection.

When it comes to leaving your job – especially a soul-sucking one, you might be tempted to leave without looking back. However leaving with grace and professionalism is the way to go about it.

Related: 4 Lessons I Learned From Quitting My Job Without A Backup Plan 

The writer is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya. Email: lilian@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke
