Do You Really Need A Master’s Degree To Be A Manager?

Do You Really Need A Master’s Degree To Be A Manager?

Perhaps you’ll agree with me when I say that the reason most of us look to climb the academic ladder is to enjoy the benefits that come with it such as the title “Manager”.

There is a certain self-entitlement that fuels your ego when you say you have a “MASTER’S DEGREE!” But do you really need a Master’s Degree to become a Manager?

READ ALSO >>> Why You Shouldn’t Think About a Master’s Yet

First we must begin by understanding why we pursue a Masters in the first place.

Benefits Of Having A Master’s Degree

1. Networking opportunities

A Master’s class is ideally made up of working professionals. Especially if you have share units, you will be able to interact with people already working from varied fields and narrow down to specific fields.

It is an opportunity to market yourself and gain mutually beneficial relationships.

2. It Keeps You Relevant In The Job Market

With a Master’s Degree, you are guaranteed to always be in the line-up for a promotion, salary increase and better job opportunities.

A Master’s holder will often times be considered over a Bachelor’s Degree when it comes to advancing the corporate ladder. Actually, you will note that most jobs have a minimum requirement of Master’s Degree for applicants.

Must Read >>> Should You Pursue A Masters Degree If You Cant Find A Job?

3. Deeper understanding of your field

A Master’s program is research and practicality oriented. It involved Thesis writing, interpretation and synthesis into understanding everything your field entails.

You will end up understanding issues in your field through critical thinking and application unlike in your undergraduate.

Having seen some of the benefits, let’s gauge whether you need this sought after Degree to become a Manager

4. A Master’s Degree does not guarantee you will become a Manager

While having a Master’s will greatly boost your chances of becoming a Manager, it is not the only qualification.

You need to out prove yourself as a leader and show the ability to produce results, maintain integrity and grow the organization.

Read More >>> Top 3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Pursue A Master Degree Yet

5. A Master’s Degree without experience will not make you a manager

Having a Master’s without actual experience to back it up may not elevate you to that managerial position.

What you need is to acquire skills as you learn in order to avoid coming off as over-qualified for a job even though you have no experience.

This is why it is advisable to be working first even as you pursue your Masters.

6. Get a Master’s Degree in the right field

One of the greatest academic injustices you can ever do to yourself is to pursue a post-graduate course that is neither your passion nor profession. I have seen business managers that left multi-million organizations in severe debt and retrenchment because while that had a Master’s Degree, it did not match up to the specific field.

It’s therefore not enough to run for a Master’s but rather evaluate whether it will seek to serve or destroy your career.

In conclusion,

Having a Master’s Degree is an added advantage. However, it does not guarantee a managerial position because by itself it cannot suffice.

Even as you plan to or pursue your Master’s Degree, make sure you align your academics with your career goals.

If you need help gaining a clear road map between your academics and attainment of your career goals, we offer help through one on one coaching.

Our services will enable you to refocus your career by understanding your passion, profession, goals and career satisfaction.

The writer works at Corporate Staffing Services Limited, a leading Human Resource Consultancy Firm that provides recruitment and FREE job placement services. For more information please visit their website on
