7 Powerful Ways You Can Turn Every Failure Into Success

7 Powerful Ways You Can Turn Every Failure Into Success

By Lilian Wamaitha
Failure is part and parcel of life and once in a while you will find yourself questioning your choices.
Though the first instinct is to be ashamed, most of the time failure is a fundamental path to success.
Though we may feel humiliated, not ourselves and feeling like we are way behind while other people around us seem to have it all figured out, here are powerful ways to turn every failure in your life into success.
1. Acknowledged your mistakes
In life, making mistakes is not a problem. Hell, nobody is perfect and once in a while we all fall short of that.
However, not taking the initiative to learn from such mistakes is the problem.
Most successful people have experienced failure at one point in their lives and they were able to rise above that by learning where they went wrong.
Learning to fail, means understanding your mistakes and acknowledging that each one of those shortcomings is a potential to grow.
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2. Be careful what you tell yourself
Whatever you do, be careful what you tell yourself, because believe it or not, you are listening.
Don’t be the kind of person who is always saying things like, “I can never be successful” or “I can never rise past this”.
What you feed yourself has the potential to become true. Instead of that pity and negative talk, tell yourself that you can succeed just like others and you will see a turnaround in your life.
3. It’s better to do something and fail than not do anything at all
They say that the richest places on earth are the graveyards because there are dreams that were never achieved, businesses that were never started, and innovations the world never got to hear of.
Success in life means, doing something, failing at it and doing it another way or trying something else.
Never carry on life, thinking that you cannot do anything because you will fail, you would rather fail than live a lifetime full of regrets.
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4. We are all products of our past but that doesn’t define us
We all have our past which we are not proud of but that doesn’t mean that that is who you were meant to be.
Remember that even though your past may not have gone as you had planned, your future is still bright. You still, have a chance to do something about it.
Don’t be those people who go about wallowing in self-pity about what may have been. You have breathe in your, change things!
5. The enemy of success is the fear of failure
Do you want to turn all your past failures into success? Stop fearing to fail. If everyone feared to fail, can you imagine what a boring world we would be living in?
It is in failure that success is born.
6. Take charge of your life
The ability to face failure is rooted in mastering the things that you once thought you couldn’t do.
So, when you fail, don’t remain there, dust yourself up, stand tall and do it different.
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7. You can’t do it alone and you don’t have to
Sometimes when we failure, we need the support of those around us to get past it. The worst thing you can do is think that you can handle it all by yourself.
Find a friend, coach or mentor who can walk that journey with you.
Fearing to fail is just the same a failing. Yes, life will not be fair always. You will not achieve all your goals in life as you had planned out but that is life. What you can do is just find ways of turning those failures into success.
Lilian is a Communications Officer at Career Point Kenya? Get in touch by emailing lilian@www.careerpointkenya.co.ke
