Be Warned! What NOT To Wear To A Job Interview

By Lilian Wamaitha
The biggest part of any job interview is making a good first impression and the biggest part of making that good first impression is in the way you dress for a job interview.
While you don’t have to spend a lot of money on the latest designer dresses, putting in that little effort to look presentable will go a long way.
If you are preparing for an interview, ensure that you are not making some of these wardrobe mistakes.
Here is what not to wear to any job interview.
1. Strong Perfumes
In all you do, your perfume should never arrive in the interview room before you do.
Wearing too much cologne only shows that you are trying to mask something.
If you have to wear perfume, keep it to the minimum and avoid those strong scents.
“One time, I interviewed this gentleman who wore so much cologne I was nauseous by the time the interview came to a close,” says Ms. Muthoni Ndegwa, a recruitment manager at Corporate Staffing Services.
What could have been a great opportunity for the candidate, they ended up losing the job even though they were among the most qualified.
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2. Plunging neckline or revealing outfits
You may like the way that low cut top brings out your best features but take a good look at yourself and figure out if what you are wearing is bringing out the corporate image of the organization you are interviewing for.
Dress well in an appropriate official shirt or dress and keep the skimpy dresses for your night out on Friday.
3. Distracting nails or too much jewelry
While we all want to look good, with once in a while pedicure, when attending a job interview, don’t try and make an entrance with what you are wearing.
If your bracelets are all the interviewers can concentrate on, you most likely will not get the job.
Also, chipped nails or half polished and unkempt ones only show a lack of motivation.
On the other hand, if you are to do nail polish, go for less screaming colors and ensure that it is done well.
Your face should also not be wearing too much make up as it is distracting.
4. Strappy sandals
You know those high heeled strappy sandals that are made for dancing instead of the office?
Yeah, you may think that your go to high heels are the fashion kills right now but if they look like they could do better on a date, don’t wear them to an interview.
Go for the more reserved short inch heels that screams professional from a mile away.
5. Earphones and headphones
It’s normal to listen to music on your way to wherever you are going. We all do that!
However, if you have any headphones on, kindly take them off before you enter the building and store them somewhere.
What happens when you have been ushered in and it is that time you are struggling to remove your headphones?
You will appear distracted and not a very serious candidate for the job.
6. Casual outfits
It is hard to figure out what to wear for some job interview since some positions don’t require too much professionalism.
However, when attending an interview, it doesn’t mean that you throw professionalism out the door and show up in casual attire.
If you can’t figure out what to wear, just do a simple yet professional official look.
7. Bright Colors
Okay, so you love bright colors but an interview is not the best place to wear them.
Just like a news anchor cannot show up all in a screaming red dress coupled with very red lipstick, keep the color to a minimum.
If you have to do a bright color like red, ensure that your outfit is professional in such a way that it will not be distraction.
8. Clothes that do not fit well
The kind of clothes you wear to an interview really matter and will speak volumes for you in the interview. It is better to wear fitting clothes than putting on attires that look too loose or too tight. Sometimes in the real world trying something too hard is likely to ruin everything.
For ladies, avoid wearing short skirts and dresses that will give you hard a time sitting which would be really annoying to the recruiter.
For the men, avoid wearing a suit with loud, obnoxious colors, busy-printed shirts or overly patterned ties. Take the conservative approach, and save the fun stuff for after you’ve got the job.
The first impression always counts more than anything else. You may be eloquent, have prepared for all the common interview questions, but if your outfit screams, unprofessional, you will not get the job. Always dress to impress to an interview. It is the one shot you have to landing your dream job so make it count!
Lilian is a Communication Officer at Career Point Kenya. If you have any career related queries, contact
