Need To Network? Use These 8 Simple Steps

By Lilian Wamaitha

You have probably read most publications on networking, with a majority of them only insisting on what is easy rather than what actually works.

While applying for jobs may get you closer to the job but networking can actually get you the job.

And if you are networking, you have to do it right.

With this guide find networking skills that work like a charm and those that will help you in the long run.

Networking Skills You Must Have In The Kenyan Job Market

1. Treat networking like a regular activity

“How do I actually get started on this networking thing?” is one of the questions that I often get from job seekers when I talk about the importance of networking.

If you find it hard to get started or have no idea where to start, just use one simple strategy. Every day or twice a week, reach out to one person whose work you are interested in. That it!

Just send them an email informing them that you just wanted to reach out to somebody you admire in your industry.

This way you don’t come off as needy or creepy. Just let them know you are interested in what they do and in no time you will earn their mutual respect and you will be able to interact with them on another level.

2. Don’t on the internet

The internet has a way of changing how people behave. Most of the time the way people behave on the internet is completely different from what they are in real life.

While you will find it difficult to go about asking for a job from anyone on the streets, people will ask for the impossible on the internet.

When I wrote an article on top 10 Kenyan entrepreneurs you should follow for inspiration, I received a lot of emails from people who liked the article and appreciated the work we do as Career Point.

However, on the other hand were even more emails from another group of fans wanting to be introduced to the likes of Chris Kirubi. Some even going ahead to ask for their contact information. As if!

Do you go on LinkedIn or any other networking website and just out for nowhere start demanding for the impossible and get angry when you are turned down.

This is not one of the networking skills that you should possess. (See point number 1)

3. Know who you are reaching out to

Know people!

If you trying to connect with somebody influential in your industry, know more about them beside the surface stuff that everyone else knows.

Chances are, if you are reaching out to them, you are not the only one doing so.

Stand out from the pack and actually know something more about their passions and I guarantee you that that person will never forget you.

If you have ever gotten an email that seemed like spam but in real sense was not, then you know what I mean by knowing more about the person.

Related: 5 Networking Tips That Actually Work In The Kenyan Job Market 

4. Positive language will get you heard

While this may seem something that customer service executives should master, it comes in handy when networking too.

Since so much of the communication today I done via text which makes it harder to display emotions, a positive language will handle this.

If you are not sure about the tone you are using go back to point number 2 and determine if what you have is positive language.

5. Pay attention to your ‘power’ contacts

Ever heard that you don’t have to know everybody but just the right people or all contacts are equal but there are those that are more equal than others?

While most people don’t want to hear this, it is very true.

As you interact more with people in your industry, you will come to realize that within time you will cultivate your own power contacts.

These are the guys you interact with most. They are the networks who will inform you about open positions and will be eager to introduce you to other people within their circle.

Treasure these people and contact them regularly as these are the most important contacts you have.

6. You must write a good email

Real business gets done via email.

While you may tweet all the right things, when it comes to getting somebody’s attention, email works better.

You should then learn how to write a good email when starting out networking and when you have already established some networks.

7. Don’t be selfish when networking

This is actually the most important networking skills that you should possess.

Don’t treat networking as a tool to get what you want and you will avoid the major networking mistakes that most professionals commit.

When you are always out to get something, what you are doing is not actually networking but playing a manipulation game.

The most important thing to understand is that creating a big network for yourself is a good thing and you should expect whatever will happen to happen. You don’t always have to pester people to give you what you want.

8. Burn off ‘useless’ bridges

If you are going to succeed and create the right contacts this skill is a must learn.

Networking is supposed to help you grow your business or career and should never be about you just giving always. It is a give and take situation.

Therefore, if you have those contact who understand the relationship as just a take and not give kind of relationship, cut them off.

These vultures that are just out to use you for their own gain should have no place on your table.

These people will hold you back and you will never be able to achieve anything.

Networking in today’s job market and corporate world is important. It is the networks that we create who help us grown in our careers or business. That said; ensure that you cultivate these 8 networking skills if you are to get ahead.

What networking skills do you possess? What others can you add form the list? Leave you comment below.

Lilian is a Communication Officer at Career Point Kenya? Email for any questions or comments.
