5 Free Apps To Help You Achieve Work Life Balance

Do you feel overworked? Well, in as much as this might not seem like a big deal today it might have adverse consequences in future that can easily be avoided.
When it comes to achieving work life balance it is easier said than done especially if you are a workaholic. In this article check out some free Apps that are bound to help you achieve work Life balance.

Free Apps To Help You Achieve Work Life balance

1. ATracker
Before you can start working on achieving work life balance, you need to figure out where your time is going. ATracker is an app that will help you figure this out. With a simple tap the application gives you clear data on how much time you spend on each task.
This information will help guide you on how to restructure your life in order to achieve work life balance.
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2. Focus Booster
Just as the name suggests this is an app built to help you stay focused on whatever task you are working on. This application basically allows you to set ‘focus’ time windows and breaks and switch on the timer to start work. You can only end the session after the time you had set has lapsed. This helps prevent you from losing focus and doing other things.
It is especially helpful to free lancers as it will ensure you don’t waste time doing a lot of nothing but instead use the time you have wisely.
This is a free desktop app with paid premium services.
3. Timeneye (This is good for time management)
This is a free application for personal use which can help you keep track of how you spend your time. It is basically a tool to help you manage your time well so that you have enough time to relax and don’t spend all your time working.
The app can be downloaded on Android and the Apple Store.
4. BreakFree
Technology is great for conducting day to day activities but it also prevents a lot of people from living balanced lives. If you spend all your time at home going through work emails then Breakfree is the app for you. It basically tells you which applications you spend too much of your time on and gives you the option of blocking access to them at certain hours.
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This is a great solution if you are looking to unplug and spend more quality time with your friends and family.
5. Mint
This is a financial app that helps you track your spending. Worrying about money can be part of the reason why you are stressed out all the time. This application makes it easier for you to know where your money is going in order to ensure you don’t spend a lot of your time stressing about your finances.
It is important for your own health and sanity that you are not overworked and that you have spare time to relax, otherwise you will end up hating your job, under-performing and eventually being fired or just quitting because of being frustrated.
