5 Habits In Your Life That Can Hugely Boost Your Confidence

5 Habits In Your Life That Can Hugely Boost Your Confidence

By Lilian Wamaitha
“A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep”
The way you view yourself tells a lot about how confident you are in your own skin.
Confident people do not care about the opinion of others especially when such opinion does not add anything to them pursuing their dreams.
I don’t if you have noticed how easy it is to be swayed by someone especially when you don’t feel so good about yourself.
While surrounding yourself with positive people is a big win, at the end of the day, it is all about how you feel about yourself. If you think that you are not good enough, that’s exactly what you are cultivating.
That said, there are several teeny tiny habits that can help you believe in yourself again.
1. Be your own cheer leader
This may sound like a cliché but it works.
A majority of us have lived our entire lives afraid to do take risks.
We know that we want to be in relationships but when it comes to it, we pull back because we believe that we will do something to mess it up.
We all have those moments where we get the feelings of fear, doubt and lack the self-confidence to face life.
Whatever it is that you want to achieve, you will reach a point where you hit a dead end and then your motivation hits the wall and you want nothing but to give up.
But it’s those moments where you are at your lowest that define you. Reminding yourself that you are where you are because you have overcome worse is one of the ways of building your self-confidence.
Whatever you need to feel that way, whether it’s a motivational book, a movie or that one song that brings you back to reality, just do it.
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2. Don’t let others suck you into their negativity
Throughout life, you will have to face those people who seem to have little faith. Not only do they not believe in you, but they also do not believe in themselves.
However anyone who puts you down and makes you doubt your self-worth, in reality is only threatened by your success.
I mean you may not feel like you are anywhere in life, but that little that you have achieved – somewhere there is someone who wishes they could just have that.
Rejecting the doubt of others I know is not easy because as human beings we have been conditioned to care too much about the opinion of others but it can be done.
You must be in a position to dismiss negative comments if you are to build confidence in yourself.
3. Say no and really mean it
How many times have you said no only to go back on your word because you think that you did not come off well to that other person?
The why we say yes is not as important as the fact that by doing this you are denying yourself the right to be happy. Often time, such a request presents something that we clearly do not want to do, but instead of saying no, we end up doing it anyway.
It does not make you evil by saying no once in a while. In fact when you think about it, it makes you appear strong by putting it directly that “what I want at this moment for myself is really not to do what you want but what I want,”
Don’t allow people to push you around. You have your life to live and only you can decide what you want to do at a particular time.
4. Dress to impress only yourself
You have heard the saying that clothes makes a person. Truth is, clothing has a symbolic meaning as well as physical experience.
If wearing sweatpants makes you feel confident and in control of yourself, by all means wear them. If a suit makes you feel like you can take on the world, have a whole closet full of them.
Whatever you do, dress to impress yourself and not confine yourself to what others believe is right for you.
5. Celebrate your past victories no matter how small they were
They say that you are where you are in life because of where you were yesterday.
When you feel like giving up and that you are not good enough, look back at your past.
You are here because you were able to rise above all that.
Life has all manner of experiences, some good and some that make you feel like you are drowning in sorrow. However, no matter what you do, remember those past victories and how they have shaped you into who you are today.
In the end, you are the only one who can define your own success and you can only do that if you believe in yourself.
