Stand Out From The Crowd: How To Ace A Group Job Interview

Stand Out From The Crowd: How To Ace A Group Job Interview

Group interviews involve bringing you into an interview with several other candidates who are vying for the same position.
All candidates in the group are interviewed simultaneously. These can take you by surprise, but more and more, companies are using them to effectively find job candidates and speed up the interview process. Some companies use group interviews as a way of getting the best candidate and also to cut costs.
Group interviews can include both multiple interviewers and multiple candidates. As a group, you may be asked to answer typical interview questions, but you may also be put to the test.
According to Esther Kamau, an interview coach at Corporate Staffing Services, although the group interviews is not common in Kenya, it does take place. This is especially so in BPOs, Companies doing massive hiring in Customer service and call centers. Some of the top telecommunications companies use this method.
“It is usually used to gauge group dynamics and see how well candidates can think on their feet and respond when they are under pressure,” she says.

How To Conduct Yourself During The Interview

1. Arrive early for the interview
When you’re competing against a number of other candidates, it’s essential you make the most of every opportunity to stand out –and not be remembered for the wrong reasons. Arriving early is usually seen as a sign of being courteous and organized.
In a group interview, you can expect to be monitored from the moment you enter the building, so the earlier you arrive, the longer you have to impress. It also allows you to interact with other candidates in a less formal setting, showing off your social skills and also getting to know something about them. This will go a long way in giving you an edge once the interview begins.
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2. Involve the other candidates when you are answering the questions
Having the ability to address others by name will make you stand out and appear like a leader. Use the knowledge you built waiting for the interview to begin by addressing other candidates by name. This will go a long way to speak to your ability to be part of a team.
If someone answers a question, follow it up by addressing his or her response and adding your own thoughts, this will also help you to avoid repeating the same answer as someone else. It also gives you a chance to show just how much preparation you did before the interview.
3. Be a good listener
When you’re just trying to impress, it can be difficult to resist only thinking about what you’re going to say next. You have to listen to the interviewers and interviewees, and stay engaged in where the conversation is headed. Really pay attention and use body language to show you’re engaged with the group.
By so doing, you ensure that when your turn to speak comes, you are not completely off topic and you can also make notes when you hear a valuable point. When your turn to speak comes, you can use those points to show a potential employer that you are keen and precise.
Acing a group interview is not an easy task. However, with the right preparation and attitude, you make your chances of getting that job that much more possible. Wishing you the best as you prepare for the next interview.
