5 Powerful Ways Of Overcoming Job Interview Nervousness

5 Powerful Ways Of Overcoming Job Interview Nervousness

By Roseann Ng’ang’a
With every tick tock of the clock your heart seems to be racing more and more faster.
You attempt to prepare responses you will give in while in the waiting area but none of them sounds right and your mind keeps drifting.
You suddenly start breaking into a sweat.
You are a nervous-wreck and any time now you will be asked to make your way to the interview room.
This is the job opportunity that you have being eagerly waiting and praying for, this is your moment, and you certainly can’t afford to mess it up.
So, how do you regain your composure and overcome your nervousness?
Here is how….
1. Thoroughly prepare
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
Before any interview, you have to ensure that you are well-prepared.
Find out all you can about the recruiter, the company that you had applied to and their competitors.
Ensure that you have a good grasp of the roles, responsibilities and challenges likely to be faced in the job position that you are being interviewed for.
Go through questions that you are likely to be asked and how best to answer them.
QUICKLY SEE >>> 10 Common Interview Questions and Answers
When you are speaking about something which you have full understanding of, you are normally bound be confident.
2. Have a positive mind-set
As you walk into the company, go visualizing that you have already succeeded in the job interview and you will be reporting to work soon.
It actually pays to have a positive mind set when it comes to job interviews.
As with the right attitude you will be able to express your key selling points clearly and go ahead to ace the interview.
Negativity can prevent you from expressing what value you are bringing on board and even make you sound arrogant and cynical.
Nobody wants to hire a candidate with an attitude problem.
3. Take your time
Do you normally find your self talking fast or stumbling upon words when your nervous?
You do not have to answer the interview question immediately the minute when the interview stops talking.
Pause, take time to collect your thoughts and then answer the question.
You can also carry a book or a piece of paper with you in the interview room and note down what the interviewer says.
This will help reduce the focus on you; you will be able to stay focused and tailor answers appropriately with reference to the question asked.
4. Reduce stressors
Ensure you treat yourself well.
Get enough hours of sleep and keep yourself in good health as you await the fateful day of the interview.
Find a way to deal with issues that stand to make you stressed such as; Wearing uncomfortable clothing, arriving late or even getting lost.
Choose a descent outfit which you will not only be confident in but most importantly presents you as a respectable professional.
If your interview is in a location you are not familiar with, find out where the exact location is by checking online, asking friends or making your way there before the actual day of the interview.
5. Redirect questions
During the interview the interviewer may ask you questions which may make you uncomfortable and stressed.
A MUST READ >>> 4 Smart Ways to Answer Unexpected Interview Questions
The recruiter is just trying to gauge how to react when under pressure.
Do not let negativity get the best of you, rather relax and get your temper under control.
The best way to deal with these kinds of questions is to redirect to a topic that you are similar with that will bring out your strengths and show how competent you are for the job.
It is normal to get nervous before an interview.  However, you should not let it get the best of you to the point of determining the overall outcome of the interview. Tame your interview nervousness and get that job you have always wanted.
Roseann Ngáng’a is a Communication Assistant at Corporate Staffing a leading HR firm that offers recruitment and FREE job placement. For more information visit their website on www.corporatestaffing.co.ke
