How To Intelligently Deal With Common Frustrations In The Workplace

How To Intelligently Deal With Common Frustrations In The Workplace

By Perminus Wainaina
Happy New Month!!
Considering that we spend over 80% of our entire lifetime working, it’s only common knowledge that frustrations are bound to occur.
And these frustrations can and will make your work difficult especially when you do not know how to manage stress effectively.
Read This >>> How To Deal With Common Workplace Stress That Kenyan Professionals Go Through
Workplace frustrations can be triggered by many factors.
Sometimes its issues like having to work in a very demanding environment that has strict deadlines and long working hours. This translates to you not being able to have any work-life balance.
In other cases, it’s working for a boss that is not easy to get or colleagues that do not understand the value of working in a team.
This makes you work in a toxic environment and eventually you start becoming frustrated and irritable.
Whatever the case, you need to learn how to deal with and manage these frustration triggers in order to be able to have a fulfilling career.
Have a look at this >>> How to gain career fulfilment and satisfaction regardless of where you work
So today let us look at these 3 very effective techniques you can always use to overcome the frustrations you are currently experiencing at your place of work…
1. Avoid giving reactions
So your boss or colleagues or the pile of work on your desk is causing you to be frustrated, don’t be tempted to react.
A reaction normally elicits negative outcomes; in the sense that you may say or do something in a state of anger and end up regretting it later.
Instead of reacting, learn how to RESPOND.
If someone has upset you at work and you are burning to insult or do something that will sabotage them, think twice.
Think of the consequences; you might lose your job or work in a place where no one supports you.
If you need to take a walk or get out of that environment to cool off, do o and then only make a sound and rational decision when you are calm.
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