Elements Of Emotional Intelligence

By Perminus Wainaina

Why your success depends on your level of E.Q. more than I.Q.

If there is one thing I have learnt about overall success in career and life is that you need a high level of emotional intelligence.
But do you really understand what it means to have high emotional intelligence or E.Q.?
Daniel Goleman was the first to come up with the concept of emotional intelligence and he defines it as your ability to recognize, understand and manage your own emotions.”
How able are you to do this when it comes to your emotions?
According to Goleman, to achieve career and life success as well as happiness, you need to have a very high E.Q. as opposed to I.Q. This is because your emotions directly have an impact on you and on others.
Enroll For This E.Q. Training Here >>> How To Manage Your Emotions In Order To Impact And Influence Others
So what makes someone emotionally intelligent?
What are the core elements of emotional intelligence?
There are 5 key elements of E.Q. that you and I are going to cover in this article. As you read through, it will become clearer where you are in terms of emotional agility.
Element #1: Self-awareness
How well are you able to recognize your feelings as they occur?
To have a high E.Q., you must be able to recognize your emotions at any given time. You should be able to tell when you are getting angry, when you are frustrated, when irritable, happy, sad etc.
Self-awareness also means a recognition of your strengths and weaknesses; knowing what you are very good in and the areas that you struggle with.
It also reflects on your outlook on life which is influenced by your values and personal beliefs.
So how aware are you of your emotional make-up?
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