Are Emotionally Intelligent People Better Performers At Work?

Are Emotionally Intelligent People Better Performers At Work?

If IQ is better than EQ then why do we have intelligent people making rash decisions or saying things they shouldn’t?

How well we handle our emotions can directly influence how we handle ourselves and our relationships. This emotional intelligence helps us analyze and think creatively while engaging our emotions to resolve problems.

Using your emotional intelligence in the workplace can help you be a more productive and effective employee, leading you to greater professional success.

What does being emotionally intelligent at work look like?

  • Accurately identifying your emotions and the emotions of others.
  • Managing emotions, which includes controlling your emotions and the ability to influence others’ emotions (like calming them down or cheering them up).
  • Using emotions and applying them to tasks like thinking and problem-solving.

Employees who possess these abilities generally have higher emotional intelligence. And those with higher emotional intelligence tend to be more successful at work because they are better able to:

  • Solve problems
  • Keep cool under pressure
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Listen, reflect, and respond to constructive criticism

In fact, one survey found emotional intelligence is the strongest predictor of high performance, with 90% of top performers ranking high in emotional intelligence.

Here’s how being emotionally intelligent at work will help you perform better;

1. Helps You Be Self-Motivated

Individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence tend to be self-motivated. The primary force behind their motivation is not title or money. What drives emotionally intelligent people is their intrinsic motivation—a sense of ambition.

 These individuals possess the self-drive to achieve and improve, a readiness to act on opportunities, a commitment to personal and organizational goals, and the capability to stay positive and keep on going in the face of setbacks.

2. Increases Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence and is also influential in our personal and organizational growth. Studies have found that employees with high emotional intelligence tend to be much more self-aware.

They understand and realize how their actions can affect other colleagues. Their performance is not affected by their resentment or grievance. They take feedback and criticism positively and are typically ready to learn from their mistakes.

3. Boosts Positivity

  A high level of emotional intelligence empowers positivity. Employees with a positive attitude don’t    hide from arduous endeavors, and they consider failure a learning opportunity. A positive attitude enables you to be more creative, resourceful, flexible, and open-minded.

4. Increases Empathy

Empathy among employees leads to stronger relationships, mutual respect, trust, and openness. It helps you have a better understanding of your colleague’s situation, actively listen, and act accordingly. Empathy enables everyone to operate better as a team, connect with colleagues, and genuinely work together to achieve their common organizational goals.

5. Helps You Embrace Change

Individuals with high levels of emotional intelligence don’t run away in the face of change—they typically embrace it. They understand and accept that change is the only constant in life.

They’re also able to effectively and efficiently handle the psychological challenges associated with change. They’re able to manage several diverse demands from their stakeholders and shift priorities with ease.

Final take

Success takes many forms, and there’s no one right path to get there. While your skills and drive can lead to success, your emotional intelligence can help elevate your career to greater heights.

Do you want to know how to make smart, people decisions in your career and life in general? Sign up for this EQ Course today!