Top 4 Interview Myths You Need To Ignore As A Job Seeker

Top 4 Interview Myths You Need To Ignore As A Job Seeker

There are assumptions about interviews that we hold as job seekers which lead to disappointment when we don’t get a job.

According to Ms. Melody Mwendwa an Interview Coach , hiring managers are looking for the qualifications that make you an ideal candidate for the position so going with pre-conceived notions will only be setting you up for disappointment.

Here are some of the beliefs about interviews embedded in the minds of Kenyan job seekers.

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Interview Myths Kenyan Jobs Seekers Actually Believe

If you want to be shortlisted for a job, ensure that you are the best candidate. You can do this by applying for jobs you qualify for and standing out in an interview.

Most of us end up ruining our chances because we have these interview beliefs that cost us good jobs.

Without further ado, let’s look at interview myths you should ignore from now onwards to have better luck at jobs.

1.Arriving at an interview early is always a good idea

While arriving at an interview late sends in negative vibes to the hiring manager, arriving very early is equally not a good idea.

“I have seen job seekers arrive even two hours before a job interview believing they will impress the hiring manager,” says Ms. Mwendwa.

Arriving very early allows you time to be idle. As human beings, we are naturally prone to discouragements so imagine arriving hours before the interview only to meet more qualified candidates. This ends up discouraging you and you don’t perform well.

Ms. Mwendwa advises that the ideal time to arrive at an interview venue is 10- 15 minutes before the interview.

2. You have to suit up

Am sure we have all been at this point in our lives where we freak out when invited for an interview because we don’t have a suit.

This is a myth that you need to ignore as a job seeker. Wearing a suit does not guarantee you a job.

The most important thing is to look presentable to the interviewer. Keep in mind that you also need to feel comfy in what you are wearing.

3. Asking a lot of questions will help you ace the interview

Normally, the interviewer will give you a chance to ask questions. Most job seekers believe that asking too many questions will impress the hiring manager into giving them the job. The truth could not be far from this.

Asking a lot of questions portrays you as desperate and trying to impress the interviewer more than its necessary.

Remember also that, you are supposed to have done your own research, so asking too many questions that you are supposed to have known by then will only portray you as ignorant and ruin your chances.

Related >>> Top 5 Topics To Avoid During A Job Interview 

4. You will automatically get the job if the interviewer is from your tribe

This is a myth that you need to let go as a job seeker.

“I have actually had interviewees extend greetings in mother tongue simply because they realized we come from the same tribe.”

This is very unethical and trust me you won’t get the job. Let your qualifications and achievements do the marketing for you.

I am sure you have attended an interview that you thought you performed well only to never hear from the interviewer. When you think critically about it, you may still be holding on to some of these interview myths and it’s about time you let them go.

Read Also >>>  10 Types of Interviews in Kenya and How To Handle Them 

Do you have an upcoming interview? Contact us here for Interview Coaching. 
