4 Unconventional Tips to Help Improve Your Job Search

Are you in the market for a new job? Maybe you are switching careers or you are just out of university and are looking for your first job. Well there are hundreds of people in the same situation. How do you stand out and ensure you beat the job search game?

Nobody wants to be job searching for 2 years. It’s demoralizing and can even lead to depression. Therefore you need to get creative and try these unconventional ways of searching for a job.

1. Don’t Focus on Finding a Job You Love.

As contradictory as that sounds, if it is your first job then there is no point in focusing on what you love only. Focus on what you will be learning from the experience and less on how much you will enjoy the tasks. Take the time to build networks.

Once you have established yourself and people can see what you do, then you can go after the job you love.

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2. Create Your Position

I once heard of a candidate who was on a one month’s contract on a research assignment, on the last day of handing over, there wasn’t much going on, so she decided to help clients visiting their premises by just directing them to the right person to talk to about their different complaints, it wasn’t much but the supervisor noticed and after two week the candidate was recalled to take up a Customer Service position that she created for herself. Don’t wait for your dream job to come to you.

Figure out what you want the industry or what the company you want to work for is lacking. Then come up with a solution.

Share this with them or even publicly on a blog or something. This is guaranteed to get you noticed and that is more important. Once they know of you they may want to know you.

However, don’t necessarily expect to land a job because you solved a problem. Do these because that particular company may not pick you but another might?

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3. Build a Relationship With the Administrative Assistant.

If you want to have a chance at meeting with the boss then knowing the admin Assistant is the way to go. They are not only a trust worthy member of the boss’s team but they also probably have a friendship and therefore can recommend you to the boss.

Not forgetting they know the bosses schedule and preferences as well. Which means being friends with them or just being acquaintances you will increase your chances not only in landing a job, but in case you need to meet the recruiter for a one on one talk it will be easier.

4. Be Vulnerable

Imagine of a situation where you are just completing your internship and are not sure what step to take next.

Talk with your immediate supervisor, inquire from them what the industry is like, go a step further and ask if they know of open positions with other companies in the industry. There is nothing wrong with asking for help once in a while.

There is no point in acting as a know it all. So instead, express admiration for other peoples work and ask for advice. It is better to do this with people who work at companies you want to work for.

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No matter what, it is important to remember that job search is a process and although it happens overnight for some, for others it takes a little while longer.
