Build A Unique Personal Brand In These 4 Simple Ways

By Kibet Tobias
When someone says ‘I want to build my personal brand’, what exactly do they mean? The first thing that comes to your mind is probably the number of followers and likes on social media.
Safaricom, Coca-cola, Chris Kirubi, Mike Sonko probably bring perfect images of established brands in Kenya today.  What could be their secret?  Obviously, they have mastered the art of connecting their names with their businesses and passions.
However, it is good to know that personal branding is not just for politicians, companies, and entrepreneurs.  It is important to you as well in your career and job search as it makes you stand out from the crowd.
According to Ms. Esther Kamau, a professional career coach at Corporate Staffing Services, personal branding is the means by which people remember you. It is how you present yourself to others with the aim of marketing yourself.
“Your personal brand should draw people to what you have to offer,’’ Says Ms. Kamau.
Why do you need to establish a personal brand for yourself? It simply provides a clear focus for personal development while establishing yourself for career success. It also allows you to pursue whatever it is that you’re passionate about.
Here’s How You Can Build A Great Personal Brand
1. Keep your online presence active
Ensure you have active accounts on LinkedIn and maybe Facebook and Twitter.
In as much as you need to keep your online presence active, ensure that you uses these online platforms to advance your career and a way of marketing yourself.
LinkedIn, for example, is the most professional online platform you should not miss out on. This is because most employers nowadays tend to source for candidates online and it would help if you create a network for yourself of people who can recommend you to others.
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2. Figure out what you are good at
Acknowledging what you like doing is a great way to building your personal brand. Remember, if you don’t like doing something, chances are you won’t take it very seriously.
Once you know where your abilities and passion lies, you will be able to determine the targeted audience that you’ll be focusing on. At this point, you will be able to commit yourself to doing great things in your area of specialization.
Try to do everything possible to make yourself stand out from others who are doing similar things.
3. Be Yourself
You don’t have to follow everyone and do what they are doing. Find your own style of doing things. You can use your style and uniqueness to attract employers, clients or the audience you desire. It is possible to create a new set of footprints for others to follow in.
When you have identified your uniqueness, values and set your priorities, perfect them.
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4. Build your network
Once you have established an online presence, it is good to collaborate with others. You can build as many relationships as you can with other professionals within your industry. This will eventually open doors for you.
Make sure you attend events, connect with employers, join professional associations etc.  You can also ask your friends to introduce you to new contacts you think might be valuable to you.
With all this said and done, building a great personal brand takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. We can all cultivate our power to stand out and be unique by following the above steps.
The writer is a content writer at Career Point Kenya. For any related queries comment on the section below.
